Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Sneak-Peak Tuesday: New Gem Purchases

I missed last week's Sneak-Peak Tuesday. This post was actually supposed to be last week's post, but I was a little procrastinator in getting my pictures transfered from the camera to the computer. Oops!

I went to a gem show last weekend, which any gemstone user can attest to it's dangerous nature. There was a strand of large london blue topaz 3D cubes that were stunningly perfect....the 8 inch strand was over $400. It unfortunately did not come home with me, but here are a few pictures of the stunning gems that did.

Pink Amethyst, Rhodolite Garnet, Moss Amethyst, Multi-Spinel, Mystery Stone, the most stunning Beer Quartz I've ever seen, Champagne Citrine, White Topaz

Beer Quartz, Champagne Citrine, White Topaz, White Moonstone, Tourmalinated Quartz, Grey Moonstone, Labradorite

up close views

Very Exciting!!!

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